Maths Learning T1- W9

-Dylan, Bawi Tha, Jackson, Ethan

LI use a range of multiplication strategies to solve problems

Please show working in your books and draw a pyramid at the top of the page to indicate where you started this activity!


Order of operations

Watch the video, if you want there are some practise equations here...

Show me this to show that you can do BEDMAS!

  Using brackets

Put brackets in the following equations to make the answers correct.
18  3 × 5 = 7524 ÷ 2 + 4 = 4
28  6 + 5 = 17
18  3 ÷ 5 = 3
30 ÷ 5 + 1 = 5
29  7 + 2 = 20


Tama's Method Day 2
Practise using the learning task in class.

If you are feeling like you are ready to show you can use division and want to be assessed

Left over toys
This task is about equal sharing with a remainder.
A toy company distributes a range of toys to shops.  The shops need to get equal numbers of toys. Sometimes there are toys left over.  This is called a remainder. 
The toy company needs to know:
  1. how many toys each shop gets; and
  2. how many toys remain (if there are any). 

a)         Show how you could divide 298 trolleys equally between 4 shops.

Answer: ____________________

b)         Show how you could divide 629 tricycles equally between 6 shops.

Answer: ____________________

c)         Show how you could divide 567 robots equally between 8 shops.

Answer: ____________________

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